JQuantify Tutorial


Lesson 1: EventCounter
Lesson 2: SessionCounter
Lesson 3: Threadsafe, low overhead
Lesson 4: MetricRepository
Lesson 5: MetricsServlet
Lesson 6: VMUsage


JQuantify provides Java developers a simple and effective way to instrument their programs and systems. This tutorial introduces a Java programmer to the package and its most interesting classes. While it does not cover every public method on every class, it does give enough details to begin to use the classes in a real program. (Consult the javadoc-generated documentation for the full API specification.) This tutorial also discusses various topics that will help readers understand what benefits the package might bring to their programs and some ways to achieve those benefits.

The tutorial is organized into a series of lessons. Each lesson includes a working program and can probably be completed in no more than 10 - 15 minutes. Please read the lessons in order, even if the examples are not studied carefully, since some important topics are introduced along the way will be helpful later.

The source and class files for the examples from this tutorial are included in the download. You should need nothing more than a machine with JDK1.2 or later to complete the tutorial. (Lesson 5 uses servlets, which requires Java classes that may not be present in your Java installation. Therefore it's source is shown in this tutorial but not placed in the download with the other examples.)

Lesson 1: EventCounter

There are many events in programs worth counting. By event, we mean any type of occurrence noted by your program at specific points in time. Java, like most programming languages, provides for maintaining a running total of occurrences of some event using primitive types such as int and operators like ++. In order to provide a simple example, conside the program below that counts lines from an input stream. It reports the running total each time a line begins with "r", and exists when a line beings with "x".

import java.io.*;

public class Example1 {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      int counter;
         "Example 1a:  counter" +
         "\nEnter r (report), or x (exit), or anything else just to count");
      BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
      while (true) {
         try {
            String response = input.readLine();
            if (response.startsWith("r")) {
               System.out.println("Counter: " + counter);
            } else if (response.startsWith("x")) {
         } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Caught " + e);

Example 1a

An instance of an EventCounter goes beyond that by providing insight into the frequency of the occurrences

You can count with an EventCounter much the same way you count with an int. Instead of ++ on an int, you use the add() method on a counter. When you display the counter with System.out.println(), instead of seeing just the total number of occurrences, you see a formatted summary containing the total as well as frequencies.

Example1 below is a modifcation of Example 1a to use EventCounter; changes are shown in red.

import com.berryworks.jquantify.*;
import java.io.*;

public class Example1 {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      EventCounter counter = new EventCounter("HittingEnter");
         "Example 1: " + counter.getLabel() +
         "\nEnter r (report), or x (exit), or anything else just to count");
      BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
      while (true) {
         try {
            String response = input.readLine();
            if (response.startsWith("r")) {
            } else if (response.startsWith("x")) {
         } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Caught " + e);

Example 1

To execute this program from a directory where JQuantify.jar is located, simply enter the command

java -cp JQuantify.jar Example1

After launching the program, try hitting Enter a few times and then enter a line beginning with "r" to see a summary of the counter. You should see something like this:

Summary of HittingEnter
  Fri May 18 16:24:44 GMT+00:00 2003
  Age: 6.67 seconds
  Count: 8
  Frequency (events/second)
    Over life of counter: 1.1972463
    Current: 1.7835909
    Peak: 2.0 at Fri May 18 16:24:40 GMT+00:00 2003

Interpreting the results shown above, we see that 6.67 seconds had elapsed from the time the counter was constructed until the summary was taken. At that point, Enter had been hit 8 times. That comes to a little over 1.19 events per second as shown.


EventCounter internally treats time as a series of fixed-length intervals. The default interval time is 1 second. This default value is suitable for most purposes, but a different number of seconds for each interval can be specified with a second argument to the EventCounter constructor.

When the summary was generated, the current event rate was just over 1.78 events/second. This is computed from the most recent full interval plus the current partially completed interval. Therefore, depending upon exactly when the Enter for the "r" line is hit, the current frequency is reported over the last 1 to 2 seconds.

Over the life of this counter, the interval with the most events had an event rate of 2.0events/second. This is shown as the peak frequency.

Lesson 2: SessionCounter

The events observed by EventCounter in the previous lesson occurred at specific points in time as far as the counter was concerned. A perhaps more common need for program instrumentation is to track events that have measurable duration, that is, events that have a distinct start point and end point. SessionCounter is a subclass of EventCounter that is useful in measuring such events, known as sessions.

SessionCounter can be used to observe sessions that span minutes or hours, such as user login/logout sessions to a commercial service, or session as brief as a single method call in a Java program. A system clock with one millisecond granularity is used, so sessions with duration of less than a millisecond appear to take no time whatsoever.

Example2, shown below, is adapted from Example1 to exercise a SessionCounter instead of an EventCounter. Each line that begins with ">" is treated as the start of a session; a line beginning with "<" marks the end of a session. Note that instead of using the add() method on the counter, start() and stop() are used to note the distinct beginning and end of a session.

import com.berryworks.jquantify.*;
import java.io.*;

public class Example2 {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      SessionCounter counter = new SessionCounter("Sessions");
         "Metrics Example 2: " + counter.getLabel() +
         "\nEnter > (begin a session), < (end a session), r (report), or x (exit)");

      BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
      while (true) {
         try {
            String response = input.readLine();
            if (response.startsWith(">")) {
            } else if (response.startsWith("<")) {
            } else if (response.startsWith("r")) {
            } else if (response.startsWith("x")) {
         } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Caught " + e);

Example 2

To execute this program, enter the command

java -cp JQuantify.jar Example2

You will want to experiment and consider the results produced. The results shown below were from entering > < > > > < < > > > < > <, each on a separate line with a slight pause between lines.

Summary of Sessions
   Fri May 18 18:12:52 GMT+00:00 2003
   Age: 60.059 seconds
   Count: 8
   Frequency (events/second)
      Over life of counter: 0.13317353
      Current: 0.0
      Peak: 1.0 at Fri May 18 18:11:55 GMT+00:00 2003
      Current: 3
      Current peak: 4
      Lifetime peak: 4 at Fri May 18 18:12:12 GMT+00:00 2003
   Session duration (milliseconds)
      Aggregate: 14440
      Mean: 2888.0
      Max: 1406 at Fri May 18 18:11:57 GMT+00:00 2003
      Recent: 1406

The first portion of the summary is familiar. Since SessionCounter is a subclass of EventCounter, frequency counting is inherited and describes the frequency of sessions starting. The 8 corresponds to the eight >'s.

The next portion of the summary deals with session concurrency. For the input given, three sessions were started but not stopped at the time the summary was generated. Therefore, "current" concurrency is reported as 3. During the current (partially complete) interval, the peak concurrency was as high as 4. That is also the peak observed over the life of the metric.

The final portion of the summary deals with the duration of the five completed sessions. The total number of milliseconds spent in all the sessions, in aggregate, is 14440, or 14.4 seconds. That yields an average (mean) of 2888 milliseconds.

The maximum and recent session times must be used with care in situations where sessions are often running concurrently, as in this example. The recent session time of 1406 was observed on a session that started and stopped with no other sessions going on. In this case, that was the very first > < pair; all of the others had a concurrency level greater than 1. In order to maintain extremely low overhead as discussed in the next lesson, SessionCounter does not match specific stop()s with specific start()s and therefore is not able to unambiguously compute individual session times except when there is only one session. A recent session duration, then, is merely the duration of the most recent session that started and stopped alone. The maximum duration reported is the maximum of the recent observations. When the sessions under observation naturally occur one at a time, or overlap only occasionally, the recent and maximum durations reported are meaningful. Under other conditions, these should be treated only as lower bounds.

Lesson 3: Threadsafe, low overhead

The metrics package is designed for permanently instrumenting a Java system, not merely as debugging or performance remediation techniques. A system designer can identify various types of events and sessions that, if observed with low-impact techniques, can provide a wealth of information to help

In order to be used to instrument Java classes in production, EventCounter, SessionCounters, and other subclasses derived from the abstract superclass Metric must be

The example in this lesson illustrates the use of shared SessionCounters from concurrently running threads and estimates the CPU overhead of executing a start/stop pair on a given machine configuration. This example is a bit more complex than the previous ones, a necessity in order to setup and monitor multiple threads. The class's main takes command line parameters, supplies default values as needed, and passes them as arguments to a run() method on a newly constructed instance of Example3. The parameters are as follows.

Shared access from multiple threads

The measured code section is nothing more than sleeping the proper number of milliseconds. A SessionCounter labeled "Example 3 Inner Counter" is wrapped around that section of code. (By "wrapped around" we mean a start() at the beginning of the section and a stop() at the end.) Each thread shares access to the same counter instance, providing for a degree of concurrency in proportion to the number of threads.

Estimating overhead

A second SessionCounter labeled "Example 3 Outer Counter" is wrapped around the inner one in order to count the measured section plus the overhead introduced by the inner counter. Therefore, the difference between the mean session times of the outer counter and the inner counter provides an estimate of the overhead of a given start/stop pair.

import com.berryworks.jquantify.*;
import java.io.*;

public class Example3 {

   public void run(int iterations, int threads, int sleep, PrintStream out) {
      System.out.println("Examle 3: MetricRepository, mutliple threads, overhead");
      System.out.println("Package version: " + Version.getVersion());
      System.out.println("Critical section: " + sleep + " millisecond sleep");
            "Running " + threads + " concurrent threads, each doing " +
            iterations + " iterations");

      // Construct each thread and tell them to get going.
      for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
         DemoThread t = new DemoThread(iterations, sleep);
         (new Thread(t)).start();

      // Wake up every second and peak at their progress.
      SessionCounter c1 = SessionCounter.getSessionCounter("Example 3 Inner Counter");
      SessionCounter c2 = SessionCounter.getSessionCounter("Example 3 Outer Counter");
      while (true) {
         try {
         } catch (Exception e) {}
         if (c1.getCumulativeEvents() >= threads * iterations) {

      float overhead = c2.getSessionTimeMean() - c1.getSessionTimeMean();
            "\n\nOverhead per start/stop pair: " + overhead + " milliseconds\n");

   class DemoThread implements Runnable {
      private int iterations, sleep;
      private SessionCounter innerCounter, outerCounter;

       *Constructor for the DemoThread object
       * @param  iterations  Description of the Parameter
       * @param  sleep       Description of the Parameter
      public DemoThread(int iterations, int sleep) {
         this.iterations = iterations;
         this.sleep = sleep;
         innerCounter = SessionCounter.getSessionCounter("Example 3 Inner Counter");
         outerCounter = SessionCounter.getSessionCounter("Example 3 Outer Counter");

       *  Main processing method for the DemoThread object
      public void run() {
         for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
            // Sleep a small random number of milliseconds so that
            // the threads running in parallel enter and exit their
            // measured sections in a staggered manner.
            try {
               Thread.sleep((long) (Math.random() * 10));
            } catch (Exception e) {}

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {}

    *  Run the program
    * @param  args  iterations threads sleep outputfile
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      // Number of iterations
      int n1 = 10000;
      if (args.length >= 1) {
         try {
            n1 = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}

      // Number of threads
      int n2 = 10;
      if (args.length >= 2) {
         try {
            n2 = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}

      // Number of milliseconds to sleep within inner loop
      int n3 = 1;
      if (args.length >= 3) {
         try {
            n3 = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
         } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}

      // Name of output file
      PrintStream outputStream = System.out;
      if (args.length >= 4) {
         try {
            outputStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(args[3]));
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("Cannot open output file: " + args[3] + e);

      (new Example3()).run(n1, n2, n3, outputStream);

Example 3

You will notice that Example 3 does not use new SessionCounter(label) to construct its counters. Instead, it uses SessionCounter.get(label), a technique presented in the next lesson.

You can execute Example3 just as you did the previous examples. The last portion of output produced is shown below.

Summary of Example 3 Inner Counter
   Tue May 22 17:14:09 GMT+00:00 2003
   Age: 39.202 seconds
   Count: 10000
   Frequency (events/second)
      Over life of counter: 255.08904
      Current: 123.06994
      Peak: 270.0 at Tue May 22 17:13:45 GMT+00:00 2003
      Current: 0
      Current peak: 5
      Lifetime peak: 10 at Tue May 22 17:13:36 GMT+00:00 2003
   Session duration (milliseconds)
      Aggregate: 199830
      Mean: 19.983
      Max: 20 at Tue May 22 17:14:09 GMT+00:00 2003
      Recent: 20
Summary of Example 3 Outer Counter
   Tue May 22 17:14:09 GMT+00:00 2003
   Age: 39.185 seconds
   Count: 10000
   Frequency (events/second)
      Over life of counter: 255.19969
      Current: 123.11213
      Peak: 270.0 at Tue May 22 17:13:36 GMT+00:00 2003
      Current: 0
      Current peak: 5
      Lifetime peak: 10 at Tue May 22 17:13:36 GMT+00:00 2003
   Session duration (milliseconds)
      Aggregate: 199954
      Mean: 19.9954
      Max: 20 at Tue May 22 17:14:09 GMT+00:00 2003
      Recent: 20

Overhead per start/stop pair: 0.012399673 milliseconds

Lesson 4: MetricRepository

In instrumenting a Java system of any size, it is often appropriate to decouple the portions of the system that use metrics to count events as they are processed from the portions of the system that view those metrics in some manner. If the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern is used, for example, it is natural for EventCounters and SessionCounters to be updated in the model and controller classes while the viewer classes will likely need access to those same metrics for presentation purposes. The MetricRepository class provides a simple way to achieve this decoupling.

Simply put, MetricRepository is a singleton object that contains a collection of metrics hashed by their label. Metrics in the repository, uniquely labelled, are globally accessible throughout the VM by means of a static get(label) method. Similarly, the static put(Metric) method allows a metric object to be placed into the repository.

Example4 below illustrates two slightly different ways to use MetricRepository. Note that a SessionCounter labeled "Pre-Created" is explicitly constructed in one part of the program, placed into the repository with MetricRepository.put() and later referenced from another part of the program with SessionCounter.get(). Another SessionCounter, this one labeled "Created-on-demand", is not constructed at all by the application; it is created automatically when the get() method is invoked. There is a similar get() defined for EventCounter, as you would expect.

import com.berryworks.jquantify.*;

public class Example4 {

   public void run() {
      SessionCounter sc1,sc2;
      sc1 = SessionCounter.getSessionCounter("Pre-Created");
      sc2 = SessionCounter.getSessionCounter("Created-on-demand");

   public static void main(String args[]) {
      SessionCounter sc = new SessionCounter("Pre-Created");
      (new Example4()).run();

Example 4

Metrics exported as XML documents

You may have noticed another method not seen before: toXML(). Each subclass of Metric has an appropriate toString() that allows a metric to be used in a String context such as the println() calls in earlier examples. Each subclass also provides a toXML() method that is equivalent to the toString() except that the results are expressed in XML syntax instead of a text report. The XML output produced by Example4 is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<metric class="com.berryworks.jquantify.SessionCounter" version="3.3.0">
   <time>Tue May 22 17:05:04 GMT+00:00 2003</time>
   <age units="seconds">0.435</age>
   <frequency units="events/second">
      <peak>0.0<time>Tue May 22 17:05:03 GMT+00:00 2003</time></peak>
   <concurrency units="sessions started">
      <peak>1<time>Tue May 22 17:05:03 GMT+00:00 2003</time></peak>
   <runtime units="milliseconds">
      <max>421<time>Tue May 22 17:05:04 GMT+00:00 2003</time></max>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<metric class="com.berryworks.jquantify.SessionCounter" version="3.3.0">
   <time>Tue May 22 17:05:04 GMT+00:00 2003</time>
   <age units="seconds">0.471</age>
   <frequency units="events/second">
      <peak>0.0<time>Tue May 22 17:05:04 GMT+00:00 2003</time></peak>
   <concurrency units="sessions started">
      <peak>0<time>Tue May 22 17:05:04 GMT+00:00 2003</time></peak>
   <runtime units="milliseconds">

Metrics exported in Comma Separated Values (.csv) format

In addition to the text report produced by toString() and the XML document produced by toXML(), a metric's content can be exported in .csv format suitable for reading by spreadsheet programs. The toCSV() method performs this function.

Lesson 5: MetricsServlet

If the instrumented Java system operates in a servlet container, it is very simple to provide for remote access to your system's metrics in the MetricRepository. Simply provide a servlet, or Java Servlet Page (JSP), that responds to an http request by retrieving a metric from the repository and invoking the metric's toString(), toXML(), or toCSV() as desired.

The example servlet below is usable as-is for this purpose, although it needs a servlet container in which to run. Notice that it this servlet is itself instrumented using a SessionCounter to track hits and time spent by this servlet.

You may, of course, develop custom servlets integrated with your system's own servlets. Note that an instrumented EJB system with a Servlet front-end can use this same technique by means of a trivial EJB SessionBean that exports a requested metric from the MetricRepository in the EJB container's VM. The Metric class is Serializable for the reason.

import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import com.berryworks.jquantify.*;

public class MetricsServlet extends HttpServlet {

   public void doGet (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
         throws ServletException, IOException
      * Access MetricsServerCounter, a metric
      * that instruments this MetricsServlet itself.
      SessionCounter myMetric = SessionCounter.getSessionCounter"MetricsServlet");


      String metricLabel = req.getParameter("Metric");
      if (metricLabel==null) metricLabel = "(null)";

      ServletOutputStream out = res.getOutputStream();

      Metric metric = MetricRepository.get(metricLabel);
      if (metric==null) {
         out.println(" not in repository");
      } else {
         String reset = req.getParameter("Reset");
         if (reset!=null) metric.reset();



Example 5

Lesson 6: VMUsage

In addition to the EventCounter and SessionCounter subclasses of Metric that are the primary tools for instrumenting Java programs, there is another subclasses that may be useful. The VMUsage class provides information about the threads and memory usage within the VM. It is not necessary to call add() or start()/stop() on a metric of this type; each time toString(), toXML(), or toCSV() is called, the object takes a fresh sample of the values. This is illustrated in Example6 below.

import com.berryworks.jquantify.*;

public class Example6 {
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      Metric vm = MetricRepository.get("VMUsage");

Example 6

There is another feature of MetricRepository worth mentioning at this point. When the MetricRepository class is loaded by the classloader, it constructs a VMUsage labeled "VMUsage" and places it in the repository. Therefore, the age of this metric can often be used as an indicator of when the VM was started. Sample output produced by Example6 follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<metric class="com.berryworks.jquantify.VMUsage" version="3.3.0">
   <time>Tue May 22 17:46:15 GMT+00:00 2003</time>
   <age units="seconds">0.449</age>
         <current units="bytes">8388608</current>
         <mean units="Mbytes">8.388608</mean>
         <current units="bytes">7889776</current>
         <mean units="Mbytes">7.897064</mean>